Farm Equipment Is A Big Investment: How To Protect That Investment From Theft

If you've recently purchased a farm, you're going to be investing in equipment. The last thing you want is to have someone come on your property and steal it. Unfortunately, thieves don't care about your investment. They just want the equipment that you spent your hard-earned money on. Here are three strategies you can employ to secure your property, and reduce the threat of theft: Know When Trespassers Are Present

Making The Most Of A Cedar Lumber Accent Wall

Accent walls can be a perfect way to break up a room and give it some visual interest. If you are considering an accent wall in your home and want something more splashy than paint, you may want to consider installing cedar instead. Prized for its rich red color, durability, and sweet scent, cedar can be a popular and tasteful addition to any home. As you plan your cedar accent wall, follow these four steps to ensure your home renovation turns out exactly as you imagine it.

2 Ways To Control Algae In Your Pond

Having a pond can really improve the way that your garden looks or give you a place to sit and watch the water in peace. However, having a pond can also be a lot of work. Algae can be a huge problem with ponds and can totally wreck your pond altogether. But, there are things that you can do to make sure that algae doesn't take over your pond.  Water Plants

Preparations To Consider Before Purchasing A Pony

If you own a vast amount of land, and you have a child who wishes to have a horse of their own, you may consider purchasing a pony for them to take care of and watch grow into a full-sized animal. There are several steps you will need to take in advance of this purchase to ensure your child's pony will be comfortable with their new home. Here are some tasks you can enjoy sharing with your child in anticipation of the arrival of their new pet.